The Sherpa Foundation’s mission is to provide humanitarian aid to Himalayan communities while preserving the dignity and integrity of Sherpa and Himalayan Culture.
Since 2015, The Sherpa Foundation has rebuilt close to 200 poor family’s homes that were destroyed from the 7.9 magnitudes of earthquake. Restored and help rebuilt historic monasteries in the Mt. Everest region and our mission continues selflessly throughout Nepal.
The Sherpa Foundation is recognized by the Government of Nepal for its timely efforts and working tirelessly to improve basic needs, shelter, safety, health and assist education fund while enabling opportunities to people across the Himalaya.
In 2016, the founder – Mr. Pemba Tenzing Sherpa was awarded with Nepal’s one of most prestigious honor ” A Medal Of Honor” presented by the first female president of Nepal, Ms. Bidya Devi Bhandari.
We heartily welcome you or any organizations to partner with us and work together as one mission. At Sherpa Foundation, we are all volunteers working together to make make a greater change in the lives of people in need and create unforgettable memories in life.

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3rd week in Cheplung
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News Update
Please read the following article from Vail Daily.
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January 2016, Vail Daily News.
News Link Pemba sherpafo~~~ ~~~ ~~~THE SHERPA FOUNDATIONPO BOX 2737EDWARDS, CO 390 5566
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